Bolshaya Yakimanka St., 22 k 3
The Cohiba brand holds a special place among cigar brands, considered a status and quality symbol in the cigar world. We've compiled a few key reasons why it stands out.
Cohiba was originally created in 1966 as a cigar for the personal use of high-ranking Cuban officials, including Fidel Castro himself. This fact has wrapped an aura of exclusivity around the brand from the very beginning.The cigars of this brand are made from selected tobacco grown in some of the best tobacco producing areas in Cuba, particularly in the Vuelta Abajo region. The tobacco plants for Cohiba undergo an additional fermentation process, which gives them a unique flavour and aroma.
The production process of Cohiba cigars is controlled at every stage. This begins with the growing of the tobacco and ends with the creation of the finished cigar. This level of control ensures that each Cohiba cigar meets the highest standards. Cohiba is known for its use of innovative methods in cigar production, including the use of unique tobacco varieties and special fermentation techniques.
At the same time, owning a Cohiba cigar is not only about flavour and preference, but also a statement of status. They are often associated with power and success, having become a coveted accessory for many influential people around the world. Cohiba is globally recognised and considered one of the leading brands in the cigar industry. Its name is synonymous with quality and luxury in the world of tobacco.
All these factors combine to make Cohiba an icon in the world of cigars, whose name has become a benchmark for connoisseurs and collectors. We are happy to be part of this brand and the only official representative of Corporacion Habanos S.A. in Russia.